As some of you may already know from phone calls or Facebook posts, Erich and I are expecting!! After years of trying, hoping, and praying, we are finally pregnant. The first round of IVF was successful, so much so that both embryos attached and now we know we are having twins. :)
Here is the first u/s at 7 1/2 weeks:

It's hard to say how happy the both of us were the day we received that phone call from the infertility nurse. I had gone in earlier on the morning of February 13th for my pregnancy test blood draw. We tried to keep busy the rest of the morning and afternoon but after hours of waiting, still no call. I was beginning to worry that the news was going to be bad and started preparing myself for word that it did not work. Around 4pm, the nurse called and said she was still waiting to get the lab results back but would keep checking until 5pm. After I hung up with her, Erich and I talked about taking an at home test - we were both so anxious to know if I was pregnant. After some convincing, I finally went and took the test (but was too scared to look and told him we had to walk away for a few minutes just to make sure it worked correctly). Then the phone rang. Literally moments after I peed on the stick, she called back. The first words out of her mouth were, "Well, I have the results. Congratulations, you're pregnant!". I was in shock. I couldn't believe it. I asked, "I'm pregnant?", and she said, "Yes, you are pregnant". I started crying as the relief of finally knowing left my mind and body. I asked her what my HCG number was (the level of the pregnant hormone that is present after conception). She said it was very high, above 3,000. Ah...relief. That is great news!
Once I hung up, Erich and I hugged. I cried some more, he was smiling from ear to ear. We were so excstatic for the next several moments that all we could do is smile and express our joy. We were finally going to be parents!
Over the next couple of weeks, we kept the news at a hush. I felt like it was safest to wait until I was further along before we told the rest of the family and our friends. Given the fact that it was so difficult just getting pregnant, I did not want to take any chance of spreading the news before I knew all was well. Our parents and siblings were so happy for us. My grandmother told me that she was so excited that all she wanted to do is call her closest friend and siblings to share the news...but she didn't! I must admit, keeping the 'secret' was so hard because we were surrounded by family and friends those first couple of weeks. I found myself struggling a bit but knew it would be worth it in the end. Thankfully, we made it to week 11 and after a thorough check-up and ultrasound, we could not wait any longer. We got so many congrats from the people who care about us was an amazing feeling. :)
Now that I am one day shy of 14 weeks (the start of my second trimester), I feel like everything is going to be okay. The babies are growing and have strong heartbeats. Even after a slight scare, they hung in there and are doing so well. My paranoia is lessening every day but I still have my moments. I guess that is to be expected after all of the ups and downs we have faced with infertility. I thank God every day that he has blessed us with this gift, the life of our babies. We have waited so long for them to come along and cannot wait to meet them.
For anyone else who has suffered with infertility, please know that miracles can happen for you, too. Whether it happens naturally or it happens with an IUI or IVF treatment, everyone deserves to have a family if that is what they long for. I had my moments of doubt - that is a normal human response. It has not always been easy - we have cried and felt the pain of not getting pregnant for almost 3 1/2 years. But that 'one day' came around and now we are so lucky to be having two crazy is that?!? I plan on continuing my blog throughout the pregnancy. I will post more photos and u/s shots, as well. Keep checking back for more updates!!