Sunday, January 1, 2012

The first day of a new year

Happy New Year, friends and family. I hope all of you had a great time celebrating and aren't too hungover from all of the festivities. I must admit - I stopped drinking after one glass. I don't know if I drank it too quickly or too early after eating but I ended up feeling bad and decided to quit before it got worse. This only proves my theory that I am not much of a drinker and as I age, can deal with the consequences less and less. Why would anyone consume something that makes them sick? It just isn't as much fun as it use to be. 

Anyway, now that I'm done ranting about alcohol, I'd like to think my first day in 2012 went alright. I did not have to deal with school work (I'm on break!), my hubby got up early to get my newspapers and coupons (Hooray!), and all of the Christmas decorations are down and back in their crates (I rock!!!). As lazy and quiet as it was, I feel like I got a lot accomplished. 

The countdown has officially begun for my IVF treatment, as well. I start my first round of meds on Wednesday - Lupron shots. Then things really get crazy in a couple of weeks because I'll be adding more shots and pills to the mix. I just hope my body reacts well and I don't get crampy, moody, or whatever other side affects they possibly cause. If that happens, I'll just keep reminding myself about how lucky I am that I have a supportive husband who doesn't mind spending thousands of dollars just for the chance at being a parent. Thanks honey. I love you. :)

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