Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is it wrong????

I want to know......

Is it wrong to be annoyed by people who constantly brag about their fortunes in life or complain about the dumbest crap?
Is it wrong to get frustrated with my husband when he leaves wet footprints all over the bathroom floor? 
Is it wrong that I prefer to spend more time at home with my husband than with anyone else?
Is it wrong to want everything to be perfect and by doing so, put so much pressure and stress on myself that I get flustered?
Is it wrong to have high expectations?
Is it wrong to feel this way?

I think it is just one of those days. I feel like any little thing will irritate the shit out of me. The problem is when I start venting, it just sounds like I'm doing the same thing that annoys me and that just pisses me off even more. I guess I'm just overly sensitive. I try to remember that it is wrong to feel jealousy and envy. I should be happy for my friends and family. Then again, I'm only human and I think we are allowed to let those moments come and then let them go. That will be a new personal goal for 2012 - never begrudge another person's happiness, let the small things go, and try not to beat yourself up too much. 

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