Wednesday, May 23, 2012

19 weeks!

We're one week closer to the halfway point! And we also found out some exciting news on Monday. After a nearly two hour u/s appointment, we were told the genders of the babies. Looks like we're gonna be blessed with a boy AND a girl! It was exactly the news I was hoping to hear. :)

Here are some photos from that scan:

Baby A - It's a Boy!

Baby B - It's a Girl!
 Nothing much else has changed. They are growing strong and actually measured 20 weeks 2 days (about 11 days ahead of schedule). The doc said that doesn't change my due date but I have a strong feeling they'll be here before the 17th of Oct. We shall see!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

18 weeks!

Today marks the start of week 18! It's been an interesting experience thus far. Over the last few months, so many things have happened. Let me just say this first - I will admit that I had no clue about the changes my body and hormones would go through. I never assumed it would be easy but I certainly did not think it would be so uncomfortable. In the first 10 weeks, my biggest complaint was the lack of energy and occasional spotting. I did not mind taking my afternoon fact, I really enjoyed them. The midwife and physicians told me that spotting was nothing to worry about so long as it did not get worse. Then around 11 weeks, the back aches were full fledged! I could barely walk in the store for 10 minutes before I started hurting (and I'd pay for it when I got home!). The only way I dealt with this issue was minimal movement or stress on my body. Fortunately, this seemed to lessen a lot by the time I hit week 15. Then it happened - I could no longer sleep on my back and was forced to become a side sleeper. Before pregnancy, I preferred to sleep on my stomach or back...sleeping on my side was rare. Now that I have to do it, I hate it. It took me several days to find the right position and get comfortable. A month later, I'm doing better but I still have my rough nights. I'm just praying I'll get use to it cause I've got about 22 weeks to go.    

As far as eating habits and morning sickness go, I don't feel like much has changed. I like to graze and eat small portions all day...seems like I'm hungry every 2-3 hours. I was fortunate enough to avoid morning sickness and only went through a little nauseous for a few days in the 1st trimester. I found removing artificial sugar from coffee made all the difference with that. I still crave salty and sugary foods, some of my favorites being McDonald's French Fries, Quaker Tomato and Basil rice cake chips topped with onion and chive cream cheese, and of course, ICE CREAM! Dairy Queen or store bought, I'm not biased. My favorite meals have been pancakes with bacon and BLT's with avocado....yum.  

The one thing I am really enjoying about the pregnancy right now are the babies movements. Every day I feel the bubbles rising in my tummy, mostly in late morning and afternoon hours. I am so ready for the day when those bubbles turn into real kicks so Erich can start experiencing it with me. :)

We've got a couple of appointments next week - the anatomy scan on Monday and then our biweekly check-up on Wednesday. This is when we'll find out what we're having! I've had dreams about having a boy and a girl, so it would be sweet if that came true. I'll post on FB and in my blog after we find out!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Crazy Coincidences

So a funny thing has been happening to me lately. Every time I go somewhere, I seem to meet someone who is a twin. When I was around 12 weeks, I had to go into Darnell's Women's Clinic for a quick check-up. The nurse called me back to take my vitals and after I told her we were expecting two, she told me that she was a twin. A few weeks later (right around 16 weeks), I had to go back to the hospital to meet with a nutritionist. After we sat down in her office, she explained to me that she was a fraternal twin - just like ours! Then today, I took a quick trip to Walmart to stock up on some stuff. While I was checking out, the cashier and I started talking about my pregnancy and she said that she was a twin. crazy that all of a sudden I've met all of these twins and all in the same month. It makes me feel so much more comfortable with the idea of having multiples because all of these people appeared to have come out just fine. Whatever the reason, I'm happy to know that we'll get to be a part of this special baby club. :)


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

16 weeks!

Today, Wednesday May 2nd, officially starts week 16 of our pregnancy. According to one site, they are about 4 1/2 inches long and weight over 3 ounces. The crazy thing is they are supposed to double in size in the next few weeks. I'm actually pretty excited about that, tho. So far I feel like I'm barely showing (if at all), and it would be nice for people to see that I'm pregnant. 

Another new thing I've noticed are slight movements. I think that's what I've been feeling...some times it's hard to tell the difference between gas, hunger pains, and baby. It started a couple of days ago and the only way I can describe it is it felt like carbonated bubbles in my tummy. I guess I'll know for sure as I get further along. I just cannot wait for the day when I finally feel them kicking and moving. I may end up regretting that statement but I don't care. Even on the worst of days, pregnancy is amazing. 

I don't have another doctor appointment until next week but I was able to get some pictures from my last visit, which was taken at 15 weeks. Check out both their heads and one of the babies laying on its side. :)